Four years after the end of his punk band MASSHYSTERI, ROBERT HURULA returned with a solo album under his last name: Vi Är Människorna Som Våra Föräldrar Varnade Oss För. The LP achieved wide acclaim in Hurula’s native Sweden and cult adoration in the U.S. Hurula follows that album with the Betongbarn 12”. Three new songs and a cover cut through the ever-present tension of daily life to make us scream and fight. All the songs bursts with conviction, feeling like revenge on a junior high bully. Hurula knows how to craft a hook, like Hüsker Dü or fellow Swedes Jonas Game or Terrible Feelings. “Ge oss nått som är sant” cuts John Lennon’s “Gimme Some Truth” in half and morphs it into a rager with classic 1960s girl group-style harmonies. New lineup features two-thirds of TERRIBLE FEELINGS.